
German Energy Storage Association says membership is surging

The German Energy Storage Association (BVES), founded in Berlin in late September 2012, is picking up speed and adding new members at an exciting clip, its official said.
German Energy Storage Association says membership is surging

In recent weeks, more than 30 institutions and companies have joined the umbrella association for the further development of energy storage.

New members include companies and research institutes such as Fraunhofer IWS Dresden, NEC Europe, Gildemeister Energy Solutions, Hochtief Solutions AG, SMA Solar Technology AG, Clariant, GP Joule, Power One and Vattenfall.

"This huge demand for membership clearly demonstrates that the growing energy storage business sector is looking for organised, professional representation at a national level", said Prof. Eicke R. Weber, Founding President of the BVES.

He explained that the aim of the association is to bring together all relevant decision-makers in the industry and to drive forward market development with a strong network of contacts.

"The institutions and member companies have wide-ranging expertise on all aspects of energy storage technology, and they can share this expertise with the political decision-makers," Weber said.

For example, he pointed out representatives of the BVES advise committees at the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi); the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), and the Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Energy of the State of Baden-Württemberg.

The first BVES information and general meeting is to be held on 19 March 2013, as part of the Energy Storage Summit in Düsseldorf.

Items on the agenda include forming further working groups, developing an action plan and examining the role of energy storage in the context of the national energy policy roadmap. The event is also open to non-members and will be followed by a joint evening event.

For additional information:

German Energy Storage Association

Tags: Storage , Europe , Nuclear , SAF , Solar
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