
Pointed questions on table of next World Energy Congress

The 2013 World Energy Congress Organizing Committee has announced some of the significant program topics that will be discussed by leading figures in the energy sector at its upcoming gathering, which will be held in Daegu, South Korea, 13-17 October 2013.
Pointed questions on table of next World Energy Congress

Under the theme of ‘Securing Tomorrow’s Energy Today’, topics range from the future prospects of the oil & gas, coal, nuclear, and renewables sectors to the tough policy decisions needed to balance the often conflicting priorities of energy security, universal access to affordable energy, and environmental protection. Delegates will also be given insights into how finance and innovation are shaping our energy future.

“The Congress will provide a fascinating overview of the opportunities and challenges of our energy world in transition,” said Dr. Christoph Frei, Secretary General of the World Energy Council. “The issues to be highlighted will be addressed from a number of viewpoints, encompassing the perspectives of individual energy sectors and geographical regions, as well as providing a strategic overview of global energy trends.”

Event organizers said more than 200 prominent speakers, including energy ministers, industry CEOs and top experts and researchers, will answer the most pressing questions facing the global energy industry.

Questions that will be on the table include: Is the honeymoon over for renewables? Has hydro's time finally come? What are the critical success factors for sustainable bio-fuel projects? Is energy access: Is it achievable against the competing demands for water and food? Are yesterday’s cities fit for tomorrow’s energy? Energy innovation: Is venture capital more important than government support when it comes to energy innovation?

“The program at the 22nd World Energy Congress captures the full range and complexity of today’s energy challenges,” said Cho Hwan-eik, chair of the Organizing Committee of the 2013 World Energy Congress. “The Congress offers an impressive and unmatched list of speakers to provide insights on how these challenges can be addressed and overcome.”

Specific sessions and speakers will be announced shortly.

For further information:

World Energy Congress

Tags: Fuel , Hydro , Nuclear , Oil
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