
Samsung to test 7MW offshore wind turbine at Narec

Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) is about to begin testing the drive train of its new, 7 MW offshore wind turbine at the National Renewable Energy Centre (Narec) in Northumberland.
Samsung to test 7MW offshore wind turbine at Narec

The initiative, which Narec Chief Executive Andrew Mill describe as "fantastic recognition" for the team behind establishing the first large scale includes performance and endurance testing in the controlled onshore laboratory at the facility.

The SHI nacelle was shipped to Narec in mid-June, and it will be used to commission the 15MW rated independent wind turbine nacelle test facility.

This will be followed by a six month programme of testing where its performance will be monitored under simulated offshore operating conditions, including extreme wind events.

“Britain has a real chance to lead the world in the offshore wind sector and is being supported by Government," said Business and Energy Minister Michael Fallon. " Samsung Heavy Industries' decision to undertake the testing of its new multi-megawatt offshore wind turbine at Narec’s pioneering test facility proves the benefits the facility can offer industry and demonstrates the opportunity for growth and jobs in the offshore sector.”

The Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) is investing £25m in the Narec facility through the design, development, supplying and commissioning of the test rig by GE Energy-Power Conversion and MTS Systems Corporation.

“The confirmation of the Samsung Heavy Industries contract is a massive boost for both Narec and the UK Offshore Wind industry as a whole," said David Clarke, CEO of the Energy Technologies Institute"It is evidence that the UK can create world leading engineering facilities for advancing technology innovation, which are attracting major industry operators and provide a welcome economic stimulus in a growing business sector.”

For additional information:

National Renewable Energy Centre

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