

Thai solar farm commences operations

Symbior Solar Siam has celebrated the start of commercial operations for its solar farm at Kranuan, Khon Kaen, in Thailand. The plant commenced operations on 5th July 2013
Thai solar farm commences operations

The plant is the first of six solar PV plants in an initial 30MW pipeline and will generate 1,700 megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity per year to the community. It consists of 15,000 thin-film PV modules supplied by First Solar and representatives of the various commercial partners were present at the opening ceremony along with local government officers.

As local communities move from agricultural activity to manufacturing so the demand for electricity in Thailand is increasing and Symbior Solar Siam has committed itself to raising community awareness of the importance of solar energy as well as developing its solar energy pipeline in the country. Alongside the Kranuan plant, the company has also provided two additional solar power systems to primary schools in the vicinity of the plant.

“We are proud to witness the effective implementation of Symbior Solar Siam’s business plan on answering the increasing rural demand for electricity in the Kingdom of Thailand” said Hugo DesRosiers, CEO of Symbior Energy. “The company resolved the developmental challenges of small solar PV power plants, capturing the opportunities offered by a country blessed with a booming regional economy and abundant solar resources. Symbior Solar Siam’s use of sustainable energy solutions, an important aspect of Symbior Energy’s incubation program, leads to a win-win moment for the power consumers, the project investors, and the company.”

Symbior Solar Siam is aiming to develop a distributed electricity generation platform in rural Thailand using small solar PV power plants with a target of 200MW of capacity over the next 5 years. The company was established in 2010 and is a subsidiary of Symbior Energy based in Hong Kong.

Further information:

Symbior Energy

Tags: Solar , Electricity , PV
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