Africa looks set to power ahead with hydro power with developments in Ethiopia and Uganda. Ethiopoa the continent´s second most populous country is looking to get power to all of its residents in the next 8 years. There are plans in addition to constuct five new hydro power dams by 2010.
Ethiopia is also looking past local markets and building a network of power distribution to transmit power to Sudan and Djibouti. Along with this are 5 hydro plants (at current hydro power reaches 19% of the residents of Ethiopia) at Tekeze, Gellgele Gibe, Belesse with capacities between 300 and 435 mW.
Uganda in the mean while is looking to construct a 250 mW project named Bujagali. The project is located on the Nile river which would be the largest in Sub Saharan Africa. The project should finish by 2010 and will be coupled with new transmission lines to get to the much needed power distributed.