Corporate Social Responsibility is taking a step further: carbon emissions. Numerous firms, big and small, are implementing plans that will put them at the forefront of environmental respect, while promoting a good level of innovation and brand value enhancement. Indeed, these decisions seem to be good not only for the environment...
Some days ago we informed of the intentions of Swiss Re, a giant reinsurer, to offer incentives to its employees for contributing to reductions in their carbon footprint. This week, other companies such as Marks & Spencer or BT have confirmed the trend with new announcements. Even Gazprom,
As concerns Marks & Spencer, the company has announced an investment of £200 m (€304 m) aimed at turning the company carbon neutral in the next five years. The plan includes sourcing its food from the
Last, but not least, many got surprised when Gazprom, one of the world's largest energy groups, announced this week that it would start investing in projects to reduce industrial emissions of CO2, in line with Europe's goals under the Kyoto Protocol. The firm will do so by means of a carbon trading venture with Dresdner Kleinwort, the investment banking arm of