
EU CO2 emissions grew last year

2006 saw rising levels CO2 emissions from countries participating in the European Emissions Trading System (ETS). Everything indicates that too many carbon permits were granted initially, and now the organizers are looking at how to fix the system. Bidding for the permits (instead of giving them away for free) might be a good starting point.

The preliminary figures for 2006 show that 93% of the plants covered by the scheme saw a 1%-1.5% overall rise in emissions. However, the total carbon emission figures were below allowances. This is a hint that initial national allowances were too high.

The European Union now plans to take a tougher stance, for the next period in the scheme (2008-2012). Creating a scarcity in the carbon market is expected to lead to high carbon prices and incentives for companies to cut emissions. The European Commission expects a rise in the future price of carbon to 17 eur per tonne next year.

"The Commission is assessing all national plans in a consistent way to ensure equal treatment of member states and to create the necessary scarcity in the European carbon market. This is how we have assessed the plan decided today, and the same standards will be applied to all others", said Mr Stavros Dimas, EU's Environment Commissioner.

Full verified data for 2006 on May 15th. Stay tuned.

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Tags: Europe , CO2 , Carbón
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