The Fair, which was organized by Artenergy Publishing, taking up an exhibition area of 15,000 square metres, involved 283 exhibitors, of which an incredible 130, that is 46%, coming from 22 countries such as Australia, Austria, Belarus, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Ireland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Portugal, Czech Republic, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, United States, and Switzerland.
"These results confirm the validity of an innovative and original project in the worldwide fair sector, which represents, and which will continue to represent more and more in the future, a meeting point between the world of research and that of industry on the theme of market innovation and developments," said Marco Pinetti, President of Artenergy Publishing. "Our Fair has created considerable interest since it offered a complete panorama of concrete solutions: the technological innovations that the exhibitors had on show enable, in fact, real applicative possibilities."
During HTE-Hi.Tech.Expo 2008 there were seven complementary and specialized Fairs:
PV Tech Milano 2008, 5th international Fair for the photovoltaic industry;
VTE 2008 - Vacuum Tech & Coating Expo, 2nd international Fair on vacuum and coating technologies;
Nano Future Expo 2008, 1st international Fair dedicated to nanotechnologies;
BEST 2008 - Batteries & Electric Storage Technology, 1st Fair/Conference for electricity storage, innovative batteries, condensers and supercondensors;
Super Conductors Europe 2008, 1st international Fair on superconductivity, superconductors and cryogenetics for the production, storage and transport of energy;
Hydrogen Show 2008, 7th international Fair dedicated to hydrogen and fuel cells;
Photonica Expo 2008, 1st international Fair for photonics, lasers, opto-electronics and vision technologies.
PV Tech Milano 2008 is the first Italian Fair dedicated to the entire manufacturing sector of photovoltaics, also with regards to turnkey production plants.
"The Fair was attended by highly-selected operators and speakers," explained Gert Gremes, President of GIFI (Gruppo Imprese Fotovoltaiche Italiane - Italian Photovoltaic Companies); "This confirms that photovoltaics is an ever more important reality able to create considerable interest in the world of hi-tech."
"We have always worked side by side with Artenergy Publishing with regards to communication dedicated to photovoltaics, and PV Tech Milano represents one of the most important reference events of this sector," said Gianni Chianetta, President of Assosolare. "The conferences presented experiences, best practices, technological innovations in the best possible way and also dealt with aspects concerning norms among which incentives, which are expected to cover concentrated photovoltaics. It may take some months, the time needed to define a decree such as that already foreseen for the new Energy Account (DM 16 February 2007), but this step could favour the development of new technologies."
"Other than a top-level specialized scientific conference, the HTE Fair had on show the applicative developments, devices and complex innovative systems, real products of a strongly interdisciplinary research," said Mariano Anderle, past President of AIV, l'Associazione Italiana di Scienza e Tecnologia (Italian Society of Science and Technology).
HTE does not represent only advanced technologies, but also growing markets, as confirmed by Mario Armenise, President of SIOF, la Società Italiana di Ottica e Fotonica (Italian Society for Optics and Photonics). "The first national conference on the industrial applications of photonics and opto-electronics, held during HTE, took place in a period of development of this sector, which has now reached the same turnover as that of micro-electronics and which produces a wide range of consumer goods."
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