
Ascent Solar wins US Air Force contract

The American Airforce has selected Ascent Solar, an American developer of thin-film, copper-indium-gallium-selenium (CIGS) solar cells for a Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) contract.

The company, who last week announced that it had won the High Efficiency Solar Cell Program, has many reasons to be happy lately. Ascent won, back in January, a contract from ITN Energy Systems, transferred by the US Air Force.

Under the new Air Force contract, the Colorado-based company will develop a transparent conductive oxide (TCO) material to serve as the top electrical contact for flexible, monolithically integrated thin-film CIGS solar cells.

Ascent believes that this process will involve developing a new material system that will be deposited using a roll-to-roll process.

“This program provides us with a unique opportunity to improve the top layer of our flexible thin-film photovoltaic product. We believe that the new film material and innovative manufacturing method offers the potential for significantly lower-cost and better-performing products in the future.” Dr. Joseph Armstrong, Ascent Solar Vice President and CEO, said.

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