
CJ Investment Enterprises to turn San Francisco into a solar city


The company willl install 50 MW of solar PV power in the city. One third of them are expected to be operative before the summer of 2009.

200 million dollars will be invested in the project. The total capacity is expected to be completed by 2012, however the company has already identify new spots to add new projects in the future.

"Considering the unpredictable situation with traditional fossil fuel costs, solar energy is the right direction to move towards given the strong case for reducing carbon emissions, and overall benefits to making San Francisco a greener city" said Mr Mark Bauer, Strategic Initiatives Chief at CJ Investment Enterprises.

The technology used has not been released yet, however CJ Investments has announced that it is looking for long-term relationships with partners.

For additional information: www.cjinvestmententerprises.com

Tags: Wind , Solar , Fuel , PV , Carbón
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