
Gestam and Trina inaugurate giant solar plant

The 26 MW PV system will produce 44,000 MW/h per year and will power thousands of households.

Trina Solar Ltd, an integrated manufacturer of solar photovoltaic (PV) products from the production of ingots, wafers and cells to the assembly of PV modules, founded in 1997, announced the inauguration of a 26 MW PV plant, consisting of an installation, which uses primarily PV modules manufactured by Trina Solar, in Fuente Alamo, Murcia, in the south-east of Spain on August 7, 2008. 

The project has been carried out by Gestamp Asetym Solar SA, a Spanish provider of solar system solutions.

Trina Solar supplied 20 MW of mono and multicrystalline solar modules of the total 26 MW required for this key project as part of the long-term arrangement between both companies. This PV plant consists of three phases: Fuente Alamo I, of 8MW; Fuente Alamo II, of 8MW; and Fuente Alamo III, of 10 MW, which are installed on a total of 62sqha of rural land.

"We are very pleased to have supplied 20 MW of high-quality modules for this large PV plant that Gestamp Asetym installed in the south of Spain, representing one of the largest PV plants so far in Europe," remarked Arturo Herrero, Trina Solar's Vice President of Sales & Marketing. "We are delighted to strengthen our business relationship with our key partner Gestamp Asetym, with whom we expect to continue to work closely in the future, not only in Spain but also in other countries in Europe as business expands.''

Gestamp Asetym hosted a one-day opening celebration onsite in Fuente Alamo. The event was attended by numerous government officials, customers and suppliers, including management members from Trina Solar.

This 26 MW PV system will produce 44,000 MW/h per year, which equals the electric consumption of 13,000 homes and will avoid 15,000 tons of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere.

For additional information: www.trinasolar.com

Tags: Solar , PV , Wind , Spain , Europe , CO2 , India , Photovoltaic
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