
Google to invest in solar startup


Google will partially fund eSolar Inc., a Californian producer of ''scalable'' solar thermal power plants. The startup has closed $130 million in funding from several investors.

Other investors include Idealab, Google.org, Oak Investment Partners and others. Google.org is expected to invest $10 m in the company, which expects to build plants totalling 33 MW of capacity. eSolar claims to use intelligent IT for the installation and operation of its plants, thus minimizing construction and project management costs. The company, which was founded in 2007, expects to inaugurate its first power plant later this year in souther California.

The plants will be built in the Southwest of the US. ''The eSolar power plant is based on mass manufactured components, and designed for rapid construction, uniform modularity, and unlimited scalability,'' said Mr Asif Ansari, CEO of eSolar, in a statement.

It is not the first time that Google has invested in what the company considers one of the world's most urgent problems. Indeed, through Google.org the company aims to contribute 1% of the profits and resources to this type of initiatives.

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