
Conergy announces partnership with Origin Energy


Conergy of Germany will partner with Origin Energy to make headway into the Australian market.

The deal will see Origin Energy buy the rights to 3 wind parks in Australia. These will combine for a capacity of 90 MW. The price for these is rumored to be between 7 and 10 million euros. The deal will see the German company's unit Epuron Australia sell the rights to the Australian utilities company.

According to Origin Chief Operating Officer Karen Moses; “Origin now has the option over a strategic and economically competitive pipeline of wind projects, which Epuron has identified, mainly in NSW.”

Origin was one of Australia ’s early contractors of wind projects, helping underwrite wind farms at Codrington and Challicum Hills. We currently contract approximately 180MW of wind.

The Epuron deal will see Origin build its own wind facilities for the first time, deepening integration in this area,” she said. “It is also Origin’s first generation investment in NSW.

It provides Origin with greater flexibility in managing our carbon, retail and generation portfolios.

In addition to meeting the regulatory requirements for renewable energy, today’s announcement supports Origin’s 270,000 customers who choose to buy green electricity.

Origin is well placed to make a significant contribution to helping reduce the carbon intensity of the Australian economy and the Federal Government meet its 20% renewables target by 2020,” Ms Moses said.

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Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
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