
E.ON and Siemens seal turbine deal

The  machines will be used for projects in US and Europe, totaling over 1 GW of capacity.

Siemens Energy and German utility E.ON have signed a reservation agreement, pursuant to which Siemens will supply 500 wind turbines with a total capacity of 1,150MW to E.ON for installation in new projects in the US and Europe.

The wind turbines will be delivered and installed in 2010 and 2011. Both companies have agreed to work closely together to drive the performance of reliable and environmentally friendly wind power projects around the globe. Both parties believe that collaborative partnerships will form the basis for the future development of the renewables industry.

The reservation agreement between Siemens and E.ON covers the delivery of 500 wind turbines with a capacity of 2.3MW each. The machines will feature various combinations of tower heights and rotor diameters.

Around 600MW of wind power capacity is reserved for US projects, while 550MW will be installed in wind farms across Europe. E.ON will place individual orders with Siemens for each project on the terms agreed in the framework agreement.

Frank Mastiaux, CEO of E.ON Climate & Renewables, said: "This agreement represents a major milestone in the supply chain strategy for E.ON's renewables business. We are delighted that Siemens shares our vision and agrees to work together to deliver benefits to both parties. This makes a significant step in the industry's journey from boutique to industrialization."

For addtional information:

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