
Iberdrola Renewables signs contract for wind turbine with General Electric


The order will be for 300 MW of turbines and has a value of 430 million Euro.

The turbines are designated for projects in the United States and will cover the requirements from 2008 to 2010. General Electric will deliver 200 of the 1.5 MW turbines leading up to 2010. Iberdrola was particularly happy to sign this contract as it will ensure the supply in this key market for the short and medium term. In recent times it was not certain whether all projects could be realized due to constraints in the supply side market for large projects. This adds to deals with Suzlon and Mitsubishi for wind turbines. In addition to these contracts and framework agreements Gamesa is also contracted to deliver 2,700 MW of wind turbine capacity to Iberdrola from 2007 to 2009.

Iberdrola currently is the second largest wind power company , when measured by installed capacity in the United States market. At the end of the first quarter the company had 2,392 of installed wind capacity , according to the company it also has 22,138 of projects in the pipeline.

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