
Princess Amalia Wind Farm officially opened off the coast of the Netherlands


The wind farm which is the largest offshore wind farm in the Netherlands was named the Princess Amalia Wind farm.

The farm itself consist of 60 wind turbines of 2 MW each are situated 23 kilometers from the coast in block Q7 off Ijmuiden. The water depth in this area varies from 19 to 24 meters. This makes it the largest wind farm outside of the 12 mile zone, which is considered sovereign territory of a nation. It is also the farthest offshore as well as being constructed in the deepest water. The wind farm will supply 435 GWh of power to Dutch households. Approximately 125,000 households will be able to be supplied from this plant.

Jeroen de Haas, chairman of the Board of Management of Eneco was quoted as saying: “For Eneco, the realisation of this wind farm represents an important milestone in our sustainable strategy. In the next coming years Eneco will invest substantially in sustainable energy, a significant part of which will go to wind energy at sea. For the Netherlands the Princess Amalia Wind Farm is a good step towards the 6,000 MW of wind energy at the North Sea which should make a substantial contribution to achieving the Dutch energy and climate objectives.”

Ad van Wijk, chairman of the Board of Management of Econcern had the following to say: “We have a clear strategy: we construct a new wind farm at sea every year. The opening of this wind farm is a good start. And naturally wind energy at sea is not the only winning technique, the sea offers many other possibilities for generating energy. By using 9% of the North Sea, we can provide clean power to all the surrounding countries. This contributes to accomplishing our mission: a sustainable energy supply for everyone.”

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