
Siemens to open wind turbine research center in the state of Colorado, United States


The German company has announced that it will establish a U.S. based wind turbine research center.

The facility will primarily be engaged in studying the atmospheric science research, aerodynamic blade design, structural dynamics, wind turbine dispatch prediction and reliability. About 50 people will be employed at the facility. At present there are three research and development centers across the Europe operated by Siemens. These are located in Copenhagen, Aachen and Delft. The site for this new center was based upon the geographical proximity to other organizations and research labs which could aid the effort , such as NREL, the NWTC, the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the Colorado Renewable Energy Collaborative, a state-funded program including the University of Colorado at Boulder, the Colorado State University and the Colorado School of Mines. It is expected that the facility will also cooperate and have technology transfer with the other research facilities in Europe. In addition the company also announced that it will work with the National Renewable Energy Lab on the installation of a Siemens 2.3 MW pilot wind turbine with a 101 meter rotor blade for testing.

Andreas Nauen, CEO of the Siemens Wind Power Business Unit was quoted as saying that; “Boulder will be Siemens’ first wind turbine R&D competence center in the U.S. and will increase our ability to competitively serve this important market,” “Because of the proximity of important institutions such as NREL and the NWTC, Boulder is the perfect location for a R&D center in the U.S.,”

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