
Wind and snow to power Mount Bachelor

Wind turbines are an option the Mount Bachelor ski area will consider this summer as it seeks to meet its plan to reduce carbon emissions by 50% percent in the coming years.

The Oregon-based resort has decided to determine the ski area's current fuel , propane and electricity usage in order to identify areas where reductions could be made, according to Ms Janette Sherman, Mount Bachelor's Communication Manager, who reported to Coos Bay World.
The resort naturally sees in climate change a threat that could end up hurting its business, and it is therefore in its interests to launch initiatives like this.

“We'll be looking at where we can cut, not in terms of our services, but in terms of where there may be excess (energy usage) that leads to emissions,” Ms Sherman added.
Wind power is not new to Mount Bachelor, however. Each year, the resort purchases close to 700,000 kWh of wind-generated power from Midstate Electric Cooperative, a utility based nearby. This summer, Mount Bachelor might bring turbines (and even solar panels) home.

Bachelor, a really windy spot, will be able to benefit from the weather if it finally opts to build the turbines on the site. However, the process would not be easy due to the many bureaucratic steps involved to get all the permits.

This undoubtedly looks like a great pioneering initiative; there are today hundreds of energy-hungry and windy ski resorts around the world who could see the benefits of wind energy on their sites. If Mount Bachelor goes ahead with the plan, many others might follow.

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