Over the last few years, a plethora of studies, scenarios and roadmaps from national and international stakeholders such as the European Commission, NGOs and industry associations have been published looking at what Europe’s energy mix could look like in 2050. Each study used different assumptions, approaches and methodology and this sometimes made it difficult for policy makers to apply the results to concrete policy decisions.
That is why the Smart Energy for Europe Platform (www.sefep.eu) has commissioned a comparative study of Europe's leading energy scenarios from two leading experts: Dr. Stefan Lechtenböhmer (Wuppertal Institute) and Dr. Felix Christian Matthes (Öko-Institut).
The study is now due for release, and will be launched to the European audience on Wednesday 11 July (18:30 - 20:30) at the Member's Salon, Spinelli Building, European Parliament, Brussels (Belgium). The EU launch will be chaired by Antonella Battaglini, Director, Smart Energy for Europe Programme, and will be introduced by Sir Graham Watson MEP, Chairman, Climate Parliament network.
The scenarios compared by Dr. Lechtenböhmer and Dr. Matthes were the Energy Roadmap 2050 (European Commission, 2011), energy [r]evolution (EREC/Greenpeace, 2010), Roadmap 2050 (European Climate Foundation, 2010), and Power Choices (Eurelectric, 2009).
We’ll bring you news on the outcome of the study after the launch later this week.
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