

Alltech unveils $200 million algae facility in US state of Kentucky

Alltech, a global leader in natural animal nutrition, has unveiled a $200 million (€145.2 million) algae plant in Winchester, Kentucky (US), after extensive renovations to a facility formerly owned by the Martek Bioscience Corporation.
Alltech unveils $200 million algae facility in US state of Kentucky

Beginning in April, the facility, which Alltech said is one of the largest algae production sites in the world, will commence development of a range of algae-derived products including bio-fuel, ethanol and value-added feed products.

“For Alltech, algae fermentation presents the latest technological frontier from which we expect incredible opportunities in the areas of food, feed and fuel to arise,” said Dr. Pearse Lyons, founder and president of Lexington, Kentucky-based firm.

“We have already been working in this area for several years and see it playing a major role in both human and animal health and nutrition,” Lyons said.

A ribbon cutting ceremony at the plant was attended by local and state government officials as well as the 60 global attendees of the first Annual Algae Conference hosted by Alltech this week.

Algae capture CO2 and release it as pure oxygen. It also creates 70% of our atmosphere’s oxygen, more than all forests and fields combined.

Algae are the fastest growing plants in nature and have the ability to convert large amounts of carbon dioxide into oxygen, a characteristic that makes it particularly interesting in today’s environmentally conscious world.

“I am confident that this will be one of the key pieces that will help our company pass the $1 billion (€725.9 million) revenue threshold in 2015,” Lyons said.

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Tags: Algae , Fuel , CO2 , Carbón
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