
Book launched to encourages algae entrepreneurs

Algae biofuels is a growing business and Information Specialists Corp are encouraging new entrepreneurs to get involved while it is still relatively new. “With more and more people understanding the need for a sustainable source of fuel, this is a business that can only grow,” says the company.
Book launched to encourages algae entrepreneurs

“With oil running out, it is no surprise that individuals and companies are looking for alternative strategies to making fuel for cars and other transportation vehicles,” explains Information Specialists Corp, which has published a new e-book at Algae biofuels, offering tips to “algae entrepreneurs” on how to produce and sell algae biofuels themselves, but sell the kits for people to do it themselves.

“We have tried to provide as much information about algae biofuels on our website so that potential entrepreneurs can see the benefits and the ease of going into such an expanding business,” explains David Sieg, director of Information Specialists Corp. Their website offers a lot of information on how to get started and what products the entrepreneurs can offer their clients.

Considering algae biofuels only requires water, carbon dioxide and some sunlight to grow, it is clear that the biggest amount of money to be made is in the production side of things. “With just one hectare of land you can make over two thousand gallons of fuel every year and with that sort of potential, entrepreneurs can make a lot of profit,” stresses Sieg.

By offering a guide on how to get involved in this niche, Information Specialists Corp are opening up the market to new entrepreneurs that have little or no experience in the algae biofuels field. “We hope that the benefits of algae biofuels will spread not only so that entrepreneurs can get on the ladder but so that we are making our planet a cleaner place,” Sieg ends.

For additional information:

Making algae biofuels at home

Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
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