“This so-called report from 2009 cannot withstand any level of academic scrutiny and is a self-serving attempt to distract people from the real impact that energy prices are having on global commodities,” said GRFA spokesperson, Bliss Baker. “Qatar, a key OPEC member and promoter of this report, derives 85% of its export earnings and over 70% of its government revenues from crude oil. Qatar’s agenda is to promote crude oil and discredit alternatives like biofuels,” added Baker.
There is plenty of evidence that demonstrates that their report is wrong including a 2011 study by the International Energy Agency that said “by 2050, biofuels could provide 27% of total transport fuel” and will “not compromise food security”. The GRFA recently published data showing a clear and direct link between crude oil prices and the UN FAO’s Food Price Index.
“September marks the 51st anniversary that OPEC has been influencing world energy prices and the price of all commodities including food,” highlighted Baker. “These comments should be viewed as a distraction from the real issue of finding alternatives to our dangerous reliance on crude oil,” he concluded.
The Global Renewable Fuels Alliance is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting biofuel friendly policies internationally. Alliance members represent over 65% of the global biofuels production from 44 countries. Through the development of new technologies and best practices, the Alliance members are committed to producing renewable fuels with the smallest possible footprint.
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