According to the IEA, biofuels for transport are not on track to meet their share of carbon dioxide reduction that is needed to achieve the IEA’s goal of an average 2°C rise in global temperature by 2020. To do so the IEA has stated that total biofuel production needs to double, with advanced biofuel production to expand four-fold over currently announced capacity.
“The GRFA applauds the IEA for putting the world on notice that it is falling behind with biofuels production,” said Bliss Baker, spokesperson for the Global Renewable Fuels Alliance. “With the threat of climate change growing, it is imperative that we reduce our carbon dioxide emissions with alternatives to crude oil such as biofuels,” added Baker.
Along with today’s warning about the need for more biofuels production, the IEA also cited a key policy priority that will achieve their 2°C rise scenario objective. The IEA has recommended that governments develop policies to support the development of the advanced biofuels industry.
According to the IEA’s 2°C rise scenario, biofuel use will increase to approximately 240 billion litres in 2020, which, when produced sustainably, will lead to a reduction of approximately 0.1 Gt of carbon dioxide emissions in the transport sector.
Bliss Baker, added that the IEA report “reaffirmed the GRFA's longstanding push to develop biofuels policies that can reduce our reliance on crude oil” and “confirmed once again… that biofuels must be part of our clean energy future”.
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