
Neste Supplies Sustainable Aviation Fuel to Hotelplan Group

Neste will supply sustainable aviation fuel to Hotelplan Group, a globally active Swiss travel group in the leisure and business travel sector, to enable Hotelplan to expand the use of SAF across the whole group. Hotelplan purchases unblended, i.e. “neat”, sustainable aviation fuel for a total value of 300,000 Swiss Francs (CHF) via Neste Impact, a solution that enables companies to credibly reduce the carbon footprint of air travel activities.
Neste Supplies Sustainable Aviation Fuel to Hotelplan Group
Courtesy of Neste

The purchase of Neste’s SAF is a next step in Hotelplan Group’s broader sustainability strategy, that includes promoting the use of SAF and the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere via innovative technologies such as direct air capture.

Flights taken by Hotelplan Group’s customers are the main source of its greenhouse gas (CO2e) emissions, accounting for 87% of such emissions. The SAF purchase from Neste will help Hotelplan Group expand the availability of SAF to its customers as part of booking trips with flights to enable them to choose to travel more sustainably. Hotelplan Group also uses SAF for some of its own business trips.

“We don’t yet have all the answers to the issues related to more sustainable development of tourism. But we are adopting a proactive approach to develop our sustainability strategy, focusing on innovative solutions and actively seeking ways to assume responsibility. SAF is currently only available in limited quantities and is more expensive to produce than conventional jet fuel. By purchasing for the entire Hotelplan Group, we can secure larger volumes of SAF and make it available to our customers. This will also allow us to support the ongoing development and scaling of this innovative technology,” said Laura Meyer, CEO of Hotelplan Group.

Neste Impact offers businesses a solution to reduce their aviation emissions by purchasing Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel™. Neste Impact follows a book and claim approach and ensures the SAF purchased is used in the aviation sector to replace fossil jet fuel. Using Neste MY SAF reduces greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by up to 80%* over the fuel’s life cycle compared to using fossil jet fuel. It is made from used cooking oil and animal fat waste, 100% renewable waste and residue raw materials that are sustainably sourced. The emission reduction achieved by using SAF is third-party verified and further validated through the ISCC SAF credit registry, enabling businesses to credibly report the achieved reductions towards their science based targets or similar sustainability targets.


*) When used in neat form (i.e. unblended) and calculated with established life cycle assessment (LCA) methodologies, such as CORSIA methodology

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