
Norwegian Armed Forces Creates Aviation First With Biofuels

The first use of biofuel for the defense sector's business trips with Norwegian was marked at Ålesund Airport Vigra recently. Norwegian will blend 15% biofuel on over 1 million flights until 2028. The agreement is the largest of its kind in Norwegian history, and most likely the first in a NATO context.
Norwegian Armed Forces Creates Aviation First With Biofuels
Courtesy of Norwegian

"This agreement is an important step in the defense sector's climate and environmental strategy. The sector aims to cut 20 per cent of CO2 emissions by 2030 and reduce emissions from purchased goods and services. To achieve these goals, reduced emissions from business travel and the Armed Forces' own flights are central. The work that has been done to pave the way here is important," says Chief of Defense Eirik Kristoffersen.

Norwegian has now delivered 1 million liters of biofuel to the airport in Ålesund with the help of the Finnish energy group St1 and the fuel supplier AFSN. The biofuel will cover 15% of the total consumption of the defense sector's more than 250,000 business trips in 2024 and will reduce CO2 emissions by over 2,000 tons this year.

Norway's defense sector at the forefront

"The Norwegian defense sector is leading the way here. All parties involved can be proud of having created an agreement model that is at the forefront globally. We hope both the public and private sectors will continue to suit in the future," said Geir Karlsen, CEO of Norwegian.

The Norwegian Defense Materiel Agency, which administers the agreement, confirms that Norway is ahead of the pack in this field.

"We have worked with the industry, organizations and experts to shape this tender for business travel. We are very pleased with the result, which shows that we can be at the forefront. The tender has already received international attention,” says Per Arne Johnsen , acting director of procurement at the Norwegian Defense Materiel Agency.

Short-distance biofuels increase security of supply

Currently, no biofuel is produced for aviation in Norway. To ensure that the agreement contributes to local demand, the defense sector has set the requirement that refueling must take place in Norway.

"Access to biofuels is important from a climate perspective, while also contributing to increased security of supply. Especially if the biofuel is short traveled. Therefore, the defense sector wants to facilitate increased production of these types of fuel in Norway," says Chief of Defense Eirik Kristoffersen.

Norwegian has chosen to purchase short-haul biofuel from St1's newly established biorefinery in Gothenburg Sweden.

“Our biofuels production in Gothenburg enables us to serve Nordic customers closer and efficiently. Voluntary agreements, such as the Norwegian defense sector has committed, contribute to predictability and enable us to continue our focus on executing energy transition," says CEO Henrikki Talvitie of St1.

About the agreement:

  • The agreement includes a requirement that 15% of the defense sector's business travel must be flown using biofuel or other low-emission fuels.
  • All biofuel under the agreement must be refueled in Norway.
  • The defense sector's travel consumption is estimated at around 250,000 trips per year. The agreement spans four years, starting in February 2024. It increases Norway's biofuel consumption by nearly 20 percent. (The blending mandate of 0.5 percent corresponds to approximately 5.4 million liters of biofuel in 2023, while the defense agreement equates to 1 million liters.)

About the fuel:

  • Complies with the EU's sustainability criteria and documentation requirements.
  • Produced at St1's refinery in Gothenburg and shipped to Ålesund.
  • Aviation biofuel has about 80 percent lower CO2 emissions throughout its life cycle compared to regular jet fuel.

PHOTO: Chief of Defense, Eirik Kristoffersen, CEO of Norwegian, Geir Karlsen, Acting director of Procurement at Norwegian Defense Material Agency, Per Arne Johnsen.


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