
Report: US defense spending bill preserves bio-fuels program

A Congressional committee in US has reached a deal of defense spending for next year that preserves purchases of bio-fuels, The Hill newspaper reports.
Report: US defense spending bill preserves bio-fuels program

The US House of Representatives had tried to curb the purchases, but the Senate removed that language from its version of the defense authorization bill. The Hill reported this morning that a joint House-Senate committee working to reconcile the two bills chose to follow the Senate's thinking on the matter.

The newspaper quotes Michael McAdams, president of the Advanced Biofuels Association, as saying the government's position on bio-fuels for the military "looks favorable" in the absence of House limits i the final bill.

McAdams went on to commend the Obama administration for taking a hard line on the issue.

The compromise bill was unveiled Tuesday afternoon. It is expected to be signed by the President on Friday.

For additional information:

The Hill

Tags: Fuel , Biofuel
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