
Tour d’Europe three-month road trip to demonstrate decarbonisation potential of renewable fuels

Cars and trucks bearing a distinctive ‘Tour d’Europe’ logo have begun a three-month road trip across several countries to demonstrate the decarbonisation potential provided by renewable fuels and to raise awareness about their accessibility and ease of use in Europe.
Tour d’Europe three-month road trip to demonstrate decarbonisation potential of renewable fuels
Courtesy of Tour'Europe.

Renewable fuels will have a significant role in reaching the EU’s objective of climate neutrality by 2050. The Tour d’Europe, spanning from North to South and West to East, will show citizens and policymakers across the EU that renewable fuels are a flexible, technology-open approach to road transport decarbonisation alongside other technologies that can decarbonize road transport, such as electrification and hydrogen. As an existing solution available for existing vehicles, renewable fuels are already delivering measurable greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction results.

During the Tour d’Europe, light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles powered by renewable fuels will stop in multiple cities hosting events that enable a dialogue with local stakeholders on the importance of reducing transport emissions and mitigating climate change together. The Tour d’Europe cars and trucks are equipped with an additional software tool ‘digital fuel twin’ (DFT) that will verify the use of renewable fuels and the resulting reductions in CO2 emissions.

European citizens and businesses support the EU’s climate neutrality ambition. But it’s clear that questions remain on the best ways to achieve climate neutrality in road transport and what this means for the future of the EU road transport sector, its industrial leadership and their associated 13.8 million jobs.

Events in several locations in more than 20 countries will enable the Tour d’Europe to explain the crucial role that renewable fuels will have in decarbonising road transport, showing that they can achieve carbon neutrality in use, given that the carbon released upon combustion is offset by the carbon previously absorbed from the atmosphere, and promoting the idea that EU policy should be open to all technologies with a proven track record of reducing GHG emissions.

Renewable fuels are a solution widely available already today, easy to use, and suitable for existing fuel infrastructure and vehicles, and they enable all Europeans to take part in the energy transition.

The use of renewable fuels and the CO2 intensity of fuels can be monitored and verified at the vehicle level.

Technology neutrality should be an essential principle for all vehicle segments to reaching the EU's 2050 climate goals for the benefit of European citizens and businesses.

“ePURE is part of the Tour d’Europe road trip because we want to demonstrate the potential of renewable ethanol to help drive EU transport decarbonsation” said ePURE Director General David Carpintero. “Europeans clearly want the flexibility to choose hybrid and petrol cars – as EU automobile sales figures confirm every month – and the best way to reduce GHG emissions from these vehicles is with renewable ethanol-based fuels. Keep an eye out for E85- and renewable-gasoline-powered cars along the whole tour.”

The Tour d’Europe will cross the finish line at a policy event on 23 June in Brussels with the release of a report showing the immediate climate potential of renewable fuels, and the effectiveness of the digital fuel twin (DFT) certifying its use.

The Tour d’Europe project brings together companies, associations and institutions from across the automotive and fuels value chain, including: AVIA, BMW, Bosch, Collective du Bioéthanol, DAF Trucks, EBB, Enilive, EWABA, Eurogas, ePURE, FuelsEurope, Hyundai, IRU, Moeve, Neste, PRIO, Repsol, Transportes Aguieira, University Darmstadt, University Karlsruhe, VDA.

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‘Tour d’Europe’

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