
AD & Biogas Industry Awards Ceremony 2018 celebrates biogas innovation and best practice

Innovations in anaerobic digestion (AD) and biogas were celebrated last night at the AD & Biogas Industry Awards Ceremony 2018, with 16 different awards presented to companies and individuals contributing to the delivery of AD and biogas across the UK and around the world.
AD & Biogas Industry Awards Ceremony 2018 celebrates biogas innovation and best practice
Courtesy of ADBA

The ceremony was jointly organised by the UK Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association (ADBA) and the World Biogas Association (WBA), and was held at the end of the first day of UK AD & World Biogas Expo 2018, the world’s largest tradeshow dedicated solely to AD and biogas.

“This ceremony was a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the very best in AD and biogas in the UK and beyond” said ADBA Chief Executive Charlotte Morton. “The UK AD industry has had a difficult few years but there are now some very bright lights at the end of the tunnel, so this was a perfect moment to celebrate triumph in the face of adversity and to look forward to an exciting new future for what is such an important industry for meeting the UK’s climate targets and improving food and energy security.”

AD has the potential to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by around 20 percent and can help to meet nine of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The full list of winners from the ceremony is as follows:

Best Food Waste Supply Chain Project – FareShare, ‘No Good Food Should Go To Waste’

Best Process Optimisation in AD – Xergi/Stream Bioenergy, Tully Biogas Plant, Ballymena

Making the Most of Digestate – Veenhuis Machines B.V., Veenhuis Nutri-flow and the Rotomax

Making the Most of Biogas – Cryo Pur, Greenville Bio-LNG plant

AD Hero of the Year – Thomas Minter, Malaby Biogas

AD Team of the Year – Edina         

Best AD Support (Technical) – Uniflare Group, Oscar Bio-energy Hong Kong

Best AD Support (Legal, Accounting, Consulting) – Aardvark EM Limited, AD Benchmarking and Improvement Team

Research Project Award – Exergyn Limited, The Exergyn Drive

Best Innovation in Biomethane – SGN, Portsdown Hill: The Remote Grid Entry Hub

AD Rising Star – Alex Todhunter, Iona Capital

Best Methane or Ammonia Emissions Management Project – HoSt, Recovering Minerals from Manure and Reducing Ammonia Emissions

UK AD Plant Manager of the Year – Shane Doherty, Granville Ecopark

Best UK On-Farm AD Plant – BioG UK, Agrogen, Staffordshire

Best UK Food Waste AD Plant – Agrivert Ltd, Agrivert North London AD Facility

Best International Agricultural Plant – SIAT, First Large Scale AD & Biogas Plants in West Africa: A Hope for the Palm Oil Sector

For additional information:

Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association (ADBA)

World Biogas Association (WBA)

An industry which is based on one of the biggest transfers of money in modern UK history from ordinary folk to the already rich in the form of subsidies deserves everything it gets. Let us hope many AD plants will follow Crouchland. AD is a wonderful technology, but it has been corrupted thoroughly by subsidy.
Awarding the illegal, irresponsible and environmentally damaging Crouchlands plant an award damns this organisation’s reputation.
Were the advisory contributions that Aardvark gave to Crouchlands Biogas Ltd taken into account when giving the Award for Legal, Accounting and Consulting? The local community of Plaistow, West Sussex, suffered noise, pollution, dangers from huge lorries on narrow country lanes and worry from all the unlawful activities of Crouchlands Biogas Ltd which was advised by Aardvark over a number of years.
Wow an award? Really? For what? The illegal biogas plant? Or maybe it was for all the leaks and destroying the local environment and wildlife? Did they pay to win this award I wonder? Maybe the people dishing out the award pulled a name from a hat as they certainly didn’t fully research this company the disregard for anyone effected or local to this plant. Or maybe they won because of the amount of tax £ they wasted fighting to run such a bad place as crouchlands. Disgraceful!
Should such a firm be given any award at all? Personally back in 2009, I was all in favour of the original application for an AD plant to serve the farm.....until it grew Topsy without the right kind of planning permission, started operating as a regional hub, led to repeated contamination of the local stream 3 or 4 times, were taken to court by the Environment Agency, attracted enough HGVs on a rural lane that the Local Authority had to pay out over £400k to restore the surface and in addition caused havoc for the small local community which then had, together with the MPA, to take part in a Planning Inquiry at great cost which they WON.....if there are prizes to be handed out they should go to the legal team which assisted the local community.
How can a group involved in the Crouchlands scandal, illegal planning, enviromental contamination and invasive transport almost destroying protected countryside in West Sussex be awarded this? This just shows how out of touch the industry is with reality, claiming to be enviromentaly concerned but really just out to make as much profit as it can at the cost of rural life. Scandal!! Shame on you!!
Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
El jurado de la feria ees (la gran feria europea de las baterías y los sistemas acumuladores de energía) ya ha seleccionado los productos y soluciones innovadoras que aspiran, como finalistas, al gran premio ees 2021. Independientemente de cuál o cuáles sean las candidaturas ganadoras, la sola inclusión en este exquisito grupo VIP constituye todo un éxito para las empresas. A continuación, los diez finalistas 2021 de los ees Award (ees es una de las cuatro ferias que integran el gran evento anual europeo del sector de la energía, The smarter E).