
Energy Innovations Announces Collaboration with Maas Energy Works

Energy Innovations has received orders from Maas Energy Works for the fabrication and delivery of two Biogas Upgrading units, with joint plans for additional units thereafter. The commitment marks a significant milestone for Energy Innovations as a packager of CO2 removal, H2S removal, and associated gas handling systems.
Energy Innovations Announces Collaboration with Maas Energy Works
Courtesy of Energy Innovations

Maas Energy Works has utilized Energy Innovations' biogas handling equipment across 50+ biogas projects in the US.

"Energy Innovations has come through for us in countless situations over the last 13 years," declared Daryl Maas, CEO of Maas Energy Works.

"Energy Innovations continually rises to the occasion and helps to provide us with the new equipment we need and works with us to refine designs in order to work well on the rural projects we are accustomed to. They have earned our trust many times over and we are excited for what the future holds."

"Our team at Energy Innovations is excited to partner with Maas Energy Works on this next big step in biogas handling equipment. We look forward to meeting their needs and exceeding their expectations," said Ted Thompson, CEO of Energy Innovations.

"We continue to be committed to providing innovative solutions and outstanding customer service to all of our clients, and we look forward to working with Maas Energy Works to achieve their goals. Energy Innovations is dedicated to delivering the highest quality products and services to our clients, and we are proud to have received this commitment from Maas Energy Works. We will continue to work tirelessly to exceed our clients' expectations and deliver innovative solutions that help them succeed."

Tags: CO2 , Biogás
Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
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