Nine placements are already in training under the REA’s ‘Advanced Biogas Learning in Europe’ (ABLE) scheme which is funded by the EU Leonardo programme and run in partnership with the German Biogas and Bioenergy Society (GERBIO). It offers successful candidates the opportunity to gain experience working in Germany at a biogas plant, laboroatory of factory and is principally aimed at young people looking to develop a ‘hands on’ career in the renewable energy economy.
Four candidates are due to travel out to Germany in April and a further five in June. The second round of applications closes on March 21st with successful candidates being notified by April 18th with a view to travelling to Germany in the summer. The candidates will also receive a ‘Europass’ – a language and skills CV recognised across the EU.
REA Head of Biogas David Collins and GERBIO partner Michael Kottner managed to add a further seven companies to their list of opportunities, bringing the total to 15. This has been possible mainly due to partnership with the European Biogas Association, agreed at the Leipzig Biogas Conference in February.
“We are very happy to be opening the scheme to new applicants and equally with the progress made to date” said REA Head of Biogas, David Collins. “Germany is the European leader on AD, as well as many other renewable technologies. We have a long way to go to catch up, but budding biogas professionals of the future will be learning from the best on the REA’s ABLE programme.”
Further information:
Renewable Energy Association (REA)