“I have long supported a utility-scale subsidy for biomass electricity to incentivize proper forest management and much-needed hazardous fuels reduction in fire-prone states like California. As California and neighboring states face increasingly severe and year-round fire seasons, this will help to reduce the artificially high levels of biomass on our forestlands due to man-made climate change, drought, invasive species like bark beetle outbreaks, and years of mismanagement,” said Congressman Garamendi (D-CA) in a press release announcing the bill.
“Renewable electricity from biomass and biogas helps reduce our nation’s greenhouse gas emission and transition to a clean energy economy. While these measures alone will not solve the climate crisis or prevent all catastrophic wildfires, they are undoubtedly part of the solution. That’s why I’m introducing the ‘Biomass and Biogas for Electric Vehicles Act.’”
“We greatly appreciate Rep. Garamendi for his focused attention on getting the EPA to implement the electricity program in the RFS,” said Carrie Annand, executive director of Biomass Power Association. “The members of the RFS Power Coalition are power producers who use farm, forest and municipal solid waste – all qualifying feedstocks under the RFS – to supply power to electric vehicles, and they deserve credit for this contribution. Participation in the RFS represents stability for many of our members, as well as a reliable low-carbon fuel source for our nation’s growing electric vehicle fleet.”
“Thanks to Rep. Garamendi for the timely release of this bill, which requires the EPA to process applications from biogas power producers that have been pending since 2015,” said Patrick Serfass, executive director of the American Biogas Council. “If we want to decarbonize transportation while creating a host of other economic and environmental benefits, biogas has to be a part of the solution. We look forward to working with Rep. Garamendi, and we urge Congress to pass this bill as soon as possible.”
The introduction of this bill follows closely President Biden’s recognition of renewable energy as a “valuable” forest product, and commitment to policies that will support the use of “wood waste materials to produce advanced biofuels, biochar, heat and power.”
These statements were made in President Biden’s proclamation recognizing National Forest Products Week.