
Areva signs €45 million French biomass contract

French engineering company Areva and industrial boiler supplier Leroux & Lotz Technologies (LLT) have been awarded a €45 million turnkey contract to build a cogeneration biomass plant in Pierrelatte, France.
Areva signs €45 million French biomass contract

Under the agreement with district heating network operator Coriance, Areva will be responsible for the design, build and commissioning of the facility and will supply all equipment except for the boiler, which will be provided by LLT.

The plant will be located on the Tricastin nuclear site and will provide 12 MW of electricity and 15 MW of heat. It is scheduled to begin commercial operation in the last quarter of 2012.

Xavier Hurbin, CEO of Areva’s bioenergy division, said, “This is the second major biomass contract awarded to Areva in the past few months and the first in France, which strengthens our position as a leading provider of integrated technology solutions for biomass power plants.”

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