
Argo Targets Biomass-to-Graphene Development

Argo Living Soils  has entered into an MOU with Aplikasi Grafena Industri & Consulting (AGIC) based in Jakarta, Indonesia. ARGO and AGIC wish to pursue a joint venture to build, own and operate a commercial graphene R & D manufacturing facility for Agricultural and Industrial applications in Indonesia.
Argo Targets Biomass-to-Graphene Development
Graphene (by Maria Maltseva from Pixabay)

Established in collaboration with Advanced Materials & Nano Technology Research Centre - ITS, AGIC is the first graphene application developer in Indonesia. AGIC was created after successfully developing proprietary, low-cost synthetic Bio Graphene and Graphene Nano Particle Composite material technologies. These are commercially scalable and are based on homogenous biomass waste precursors only. Proven by its 5 kg/batch - 1st Bio Graphene Micro Factory and its 300 liters per batch of Liquid Bio Graphenic NP composites methodology.

AGIC is ready for commercial production. AGIC continues R&D in field trials and some of AGIC's products are in the development stage. AGIC has patented and proprietary Graphene based Fertilizer, G- ONBF /PGR Series,( Graphene Organic Nano Bio Fertilizer w/ Plant Growth Regulator) technology. AGIC technologies may revolutionize agricultural field practices.

Industrial applications being considered are: graphene semiconductors, solar photovoltaic, silicon computer chip wafers, machine vision lenses, carbon nanomaterials, atmospheric water generators, saltwater desalination, thermal energy storage/generation, batteries, transistors, supercapacitors, DNA sequencing, water filters, antennas and bioMed (bio ink). As well as many kinds of composite materials, e.g. graphene concrete and asphalt.

Graphene is a two-dimensional material made of pure carbon atoms, arranged in a hexagonal lattice, known for its high electrical and thermal conductivity, transparency, flexibility, and strength. It's also the world's thinnest material, fifty thousand times thinner than a human hair.

Company director, Robert Intile, states, "We are excited to partner with AGIC, an innovative company, which has been able to create a low cost way of making very valuable graphene. Their patented and proprietary IP can convert waste biomass into high quality graphene which may revolutionize farming and industrial applications."


Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
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