Formal transfer of the power plant at the Ester Sugar Mill is subject to approval by the National Agency of Electrical Energy (ANEEL) and other relevant regulatory bodies.
Located in Cosmopolis, in the State of São Paulo, the plant already has authorization from ANEEL to exploit the energy from biomass is produced by grinding sugar cane, with an installed capacity of 40 MW power injected and limited to 30 MW.
The transaction also provides for the CPFL Renewables will invest to increase production efficiency and cogeneration power plant, increasing the volume of exportable power of 11 MW in 2012 up to 16.3 MW in 2016.
v With the acquisition CPFL Renewable now holds a portfolio of eight cogeneration plants with a combined capacity of 175 MW.
The firm also has four additional plants under construction with a total capacity of 95 MW. Thye are scheduled to go into operation in 2013.
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