Nuevas pruebas de emisiones demuestran que la gasolina sintética, promocionada por la industria de los combustibles fósiles como una forma de prolongar la vida útil del motor de combustión interna...
Testing, inspection, and certification company Bureau Veritas (BV) has delivered an Approval in Principle (AiP) to Zéphyr & Boréefor its first open-top 1,800 TEU containership, demonstrating the...
Transport for the North (TfN) has launched its first Transport Decarbonisation Strategy for the North of England - outlining the ambitious target of near-zero carbon emissions from surface transport b...
Cenex, organisers of the largest UK event dedicated to transport innovation, Cenex-Low Carbon Vehicle (LCV) and Cenex-Connected Automated Mobility (CAM), have signed a two-year partnership agreement w...
Electric vehicles will play a critical role in addressing global climate challenges. Historically, EVs have uniformly been considered traditional vehicles or single-use assets for transportation only....
Gazelle Wind Power, the developer of an innovative hybrid floating offshore wind platform, announced that it has been selected as a 2021 portfolio company by Katapult Group , an investment company foc...
Deep Energy Capital, LLP, an independent specialized renewable energy investment house, and Eavor Technologies Inc., the preeminent advanced geothermal technology company, announce their cooperation...
El Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (MINCyT), la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) e Y-TEC, el centro de investigación y desarrollo de la energética estatal YPF, han anunciado ...
El fabricante danés de aerogeneradores Vestas ha anunciado la recepción de dos pedidos de aerogeneradores que suman 334 MW. Uno de los pedidos procede de la empresa Invenergy para alimentar el proye...
Engie Energía Chile (EECL), subsidiaria en el país de la francesa Engie, ha anunciado que el proyecto eólico, de 353,4 MW, a ubicarse en la región de Antofagasta, ha recibido la aprobación de la ...
Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Unknown column 'comentarios.comentarios.desactivado' in 'where clause' in /home/energias/public_html/general/ezSQL/mysqli/ez_sql_mysqli.php:228
Stack trace:
#0 /home/energias/public_html/general/ezSQL/mysqli/ez_sql_mysqli.php(228): mysqli->query('SELECT comentar...')
#1 /home/energias/public_html/general/ezSQL/shared/ez_sql_core.php(215): ezSQL_mysqli->query('SELECT comentar...')
#2 /home/energias/public_html/modulos/modulosgenerales/perfil/es.php(148): ezSQLcore->get_results('SELECT comentar...')
#3 /home/energias/public_html/index.php(155): include('/home/energias/...')
#4 {main}
thrown in /home/energias/public_html/general/ezSQL/mysqli/ez_sql_mysqli.php on line 228