La Agencia de Energía de Barcelona ha puesto en marcha un gestor integral “on line”de la Ordenanza Solar Térmica (OST), con el fin de facilitar a los profesionales del sector la tramitación de ...
“La instalación de parques eólicos en el mar permitirá incrementar la potencia eólica instalada, evitando, en parte, los obstáculos de los parques eólicos de tierra”. Son declaraciones de F...
El Departamento de Energía (DOE) federal de EEUU ha anunciado la selección de 13 proyectos de innovación fotovoltaica que recibirán ayudas que podrían ascender a 168 millones de dólares en su co...
Por vez primera, la energía solar térmica se incluye de manera específica, y no solo como parte de un conjunto de objetivos, en la reciente decisión de la Cumbre de la Unión Europea de llegar a s...
This marks the first part of a three part series to explore venture capital and private equity in the renewable energy industry. For the past year the press and the renewable energy industry...
At 65 m euros, Sunstroom and Enviro Technologies, together with Energetica Energietechnik will build a PV in Navarra with a capacity close to 10 MW, thus becoming one of Europe's biggest PV plants. Th...
Can hydro power bring jobs to Quebec? Switzerland’s hydroelectric industry one of a growing number to be affected by lack of rainfall Tajikistan and Uzbekistan at odds over Hydro Power P...
The environment secretary David Miliband has announced that Britain will look a great deal more at harnessing the power of the oceans to meet future energy needs. As an island nation Britain is ...
Toys, computers, garments and basically anything that can be produced in a manufacturing plant; all that is what we increasingly import from China and eventually buy at stores or online. According...
General Electric, one of the world's largest companies, has announced that it will accelerate its solar energy research program with the help of a grant from America's DOE (see energy savings sec...
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