El grupo Gamesa se ha situado como una de las empresas del mundo más comprometidas con la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) y el desarrollo sostenible, tal y como acredita su inclusión en Ín...
The International Energy Agency is promoting renewable energies as a means to diversify energy supply while protecting the environment. The organization has recently introduced a book, written by 250 ...
Mr Andris Piebalgs, the EU’s Energy Commissioner, has announced in the EU parliament an initiative to create a law on heating and cooling from renewable energies, to be passed during 2006.
Spain's National Center for Renewable Energies is going fast. Last week, Mr Miguel Navarra, Navarra's President, and Ms Maria Jesus San Segundo, Minister of Science and Education, visited the Sarrigur...
The International Energy Agency is promoting renewable energies as a means to diversify energy supply while protecting the environment. The organization has recently introduced a book, written by 250 ...
Mr Andris Piebalgs, the EU’s Energy Commissioner, has announced in the EU parliament an initiative to create a law on heating and cooling from renewable energies, to be passed during 2006.
Spain's National Center for Renewable Energies is going fast. Last week, Mr Miguel Navarra, Navarra's President, and Ms Maria Jesus San Segundo, Minister of Science and Education, visited the Sarrigur...
José Mª González Vélez, presidente de la Asociación de Productores de Energías Renovables (APPA) y de Gesternova, la comercializadora de energía verde de la Asociación, ha sido nombrado Vocal ...
La víspera del primer aniversario de la entrada en vigor del Protocolo de Kioto, y ataviados con paragüas y chubasqueros, los eurodiputados de Los Verdes lanzaros ayer en Estrasburgo una campaña eu...
El Centro Nacional de Energías Renovables (CENER) pisa fuerte. La semana pasada, el presidente del Gobierno de Navarra, Miguel Sanz, y la ministra de Educación y Ciencia, María Jesús San Segundo, ...
Error al ejecutar el comando SQL:Unknown column 'comentarios.comentarios.desactivado' in 'where clause'|| SQL=SELECT comentarios.*, articulos.titulo,articulos.url, articulos.id_Articulos FROM comentarios LEFT JOIN articulos ON articulos.id_Articulos=comentarios.rel_articulo WHERE comentarios. comentarios.desactivado=0 ORDER BY id_comentarios DESC LIMIT 5