
Battery-electric Tevva truck to drive training at MIRA Technology Institute (MTI)  

Students and apprentices at the MIRA Technology Institute (MTI) have welcomed the delivery of a brand-new electric truck to help them get to grips with the latest electric vehicle technology.
Battery-electric Tevva truck to drive training at MIRA Technology Institute (MTI)  
Tevva truck at MTI. Courtesy of MTI/Tevva.

The 7.5 tonne Tevva battery electric truck is based at the MTI’s state-of-the-art workshops and will be instantly accessible for every student enabling them to see how the technology works in practice.

With a course series developed to deliver vital skills to the automotive sector as part of the electric revolution, the MTI enables students to gain an awareness and understanding of electric and hybrid vehicles, so that they can learn how to inspect, diagnose, and rectify systems and components.

“It was fantastic to watch our new Tevva truck roll into the workshop today” said Lisa Bingley, Operations Director for the MTI. “We chose to invest in a Tevva vehicle because the brand is spearheading the rapid shift to decarbonisation and cleaner greener freight. The Tevva truck is driven by two electric traction motors that use no rare earth materials and is equipped with a regenerative braking system that harnesses kinetic energy to boost vehicle range. It also boasts an innovative high voltage power distribution system and proprietary embedded software, so the presence of the truck in our workshop will really help to contextualise students’ knowledge and enhance their learning experience and understanding of EV technology.”

The MTI was developed to support the automotive sector by focusing on emerging technology areas including connected and autonomous vehicles and electric cars. Its unique Skills Escalator is the first of its kind in the UK where students and delegates can progress naturally through the levels within the same institution.

“The decarbonisation of trucking and wider transportation not only relies on new technology, but people” added Ken Scott, Managing Director of Tevva. “We need people with the skills and knowledge of how battery-electric and hydrogen-electric powertrains work. The MTI is doing an excellent job of addressing the skills gap and training a new generation of engineers and technicians. Tevva is delighted to be part of this vital endeavour.”

Since it first opened its doors, the MTI has welcomed over 42,500 students and delegates. This includes over 3,100 studying for accredited qualifications from a Level 1 Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) certificate up to Masters’ degrees, and over 850 apprenticeships at all levels. More than 17,100 automotive professionals have taken part in professional development activities.

“The arrival of the Tevva truck marks a major milestone in our ability to bring to life the impact of the very latest technology now being used within the logistics sector” said Marion Plant, OBE FCGI, Chair of the MTI Operations Board, and Principal and Chief Executive North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College. “We are delighted to be able to provide the MTI with this cutting-edge equipment to help inspire our students with enthusiasm for their future career progression.”

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Mira Technology Institute (MTI)

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