
Berlin's Oldest Passenger Vessel Enters a New Era Powered by Torqeedo

Kaiser Friedrich, a vessel steeped in history, was built in 1886. It recently marked its return to service with a ceremonial christening in central Berlin. In a bid to preserve its legacy, its owners refitted the historic 30-meter vessel with a modern, emission-free electric drive system by the world leader in electric mobility on the water, Torqeedo.
Kaiser Friedrich, Berlin (Torqueedo)

The Kaiser Friedrich, a twin-screw steamship, plied Berlin's waters for almost 80 years before it was decommissioned in 1967 and converted into offices and residential space. In 1986, the German Museum of Technology purchased the 100-ton boat and restored it to its original appearance. For several years, the Kaiser Friedrich once again delighted guests with historical city tours until its engines, which used over 150 liters of diesel per hour, made operation both ecologically and economically unviable. The museum reclaimed the boat in 2012 and started the search for Kaiser Friedrich's next chapter.

In 2022, Volker Marhold and Julius Dahmen, who both have experience converting historic boats to electric propulsion, purchased the Kaiser Friedrich. In close collaboration with Torqeedo's Customized Solutions team, the conversion to an ultra-efficient electric drive system with twin Deep Blue 50 kW inboard motors and a 400 kWh Deep Blue battery bank was expertly completed by the Tangermünde Shipbuilding and Development Company in Genthin, Germany.

Starting on May 13, Berliners and visitors to the "Athens on the Spree" can enjoy an eco-friendly city tour on board this legendary passenger vessel. At night, the city's most famous boat transforms into a floating beer garden during the 3.5-hour Old Berlin Beer Evening. 

Dahmen, co-owner of the 138-year-old vessel and operator of Berliner Welle, a company that provides a variety of historic boats for excursions and events, said, "This is the third Berliner Welle excursion boat that we have converted to Torqeedo electric drives, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration."

"The Kaiser Friedrich is a longtime maritime landmark of the city," said Marhold. "And now it is also a symbol of transformation towards the mobility of the future. And what a wonderful future for Berlin's oldest passenger vessel, which can now once again welcome passengers to celebrate life with them while enjoying breathtaking views of our beautiful city."

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