
British Gas Business and Lotus agree on new green energy deal

Lotus and British Gas Business have embarked on a new green electricity deal, which sees the UK’s largest energy supplier provide renewable power to the sports car maker’s headquarters and supporting facilities.
British Gas Business and Lotus agree on new green energy deal
Lotus HQ at Hethel in Norfolk. Courtesy of Lotus.

The contract, which began on 1 October, is REGO-backed (Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin), where the power is purchased from 100 percent renewable sources, ensuring the electricity used across Lotus’ UK sites is carbon neutral. As a flexible contract, Lotus can also develop its own renewable assets on sites to self-support its power needs and further its green credentials.

In May, Centrica (the parent company of British Gas) and Lotus announced a partnership to develop a new model for electric vehicle (EV) ownership that fully integrates future mobility and energy. Together, the companies aim to redefine and integrate the relationship between consumers, cars and electricity – controlled by smart devices at home and on the move – which will result in more efficient energy usage, carbon and cost savings.

The companies are also set to introduce a comprehensive sustainability programme across Lotus, leveraging innovative, low-carbon technologies and mitigating the impacts of key business operations from manufacturing through to sales and supporting functions.

“This is an exciting new partnership which has got off to a fast start with this new supply contract announced today” said Carl Bayliss, Vice President of Mobility at Centrica. “Green power supplies offer an efficient means to supercharge commercial sustainability, and there is much more to follow from Centrica and Lotus as we plot the carmaker’s course to zero carbon”.

Uday Senapati, Lotus Cars’ Executive Director of Corporate Strategy and Product Management, added that the deal is a huge step for the company in its commitment to becoming a 100% carbon neutral business and that the next steps include working across the company’s supply chain as part of its net-zero pledge, launching more zero-emissions vehicles and ensuring those vehicles are manufactured and distributed using the latest sustainable technology and techniques.

For additional information:

Lotus Cars

British Gas Business

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