
Burger King drive-ins act as testing ground for generating electricity from the motion of vehicles

Engineers at New Energy Technologies, Inc. have successfully conducted the first-ever durability field-tests of the company’s prototyped MotionPower™ technology, which generates electricity from the motion of cars and light trucks.

New Energy’s MotionPower™ technology is designed to be installed in locations where hybrid, next-generation electrical, and conventional fuels-driven vehicles decelerate or stop, thus ensuring that vehicles are not ‘robbed’ of energy they would otherwise use to accelerate. Instead, MotionPower™ devices actually assist vehicles in slowing down, and in the process of doing so, capture the vehicles’ kinetic energy before it is lost as brake heat, and creatively convert that energy into clean electricity.

Durability testing of the device was conducted at quick-service giant Burger King’s prominent franchise restaurant in the New York Metro area in Hillside, New Jersey throughout the busy Labour Day weekend from 3-7 September. “It would be great to generate clean electricity by mechanically capturing the kinetic energy of the 100,000-plus cars that drive through our Hillside store alone each year,” stated entrepreneur and Burger King franchise owner, Mr. Drew Paterno. “If the MotionPower™ device works and does what we think it will do, we’d be interested in installing it in all our locations.”

“We’ve had a favorable response to our MotionPower™ technology from the marketplace and from those who generated electricity by driving their cars over our device. We’re keen to aggressively commercialize our technology and have designed each phase of our testing to help move us towards this goal,” explained Mr. Meetesh Patel, Esq., President and CEO of New Energy Technologies, Inc. “The early data we’ve acquired from these Phase 1 tests of our first prototype for cars and light trucks validates our engineering approach, materials selection strategy, and product deployment plans – all very important factors in developing a commercially successful first-of-its kind technology for generating clean electricity from the motion of vehicles.”

In addition to tests conducted at Burger King, engineers will be undertaking additional durability testing of the MotionPower™ system in the upcoming weeks at the Four Seasons Washington, DC and at the Holiday Inn Express® Baltimore.

Once fully optimized and installed, engineers anticipate that MotionPower™ devices may be used to augment or replace conventional electrical supplies for powering roadway signs, street and building lights, storage systems for back-up and emergency power, and other electronics, appliances, and even devices used in homes and businesses.

For additional information:

New Energy Technologies

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