The company is installing two 50 kilowatt charging stations on most of its sites, giving electric vehicle drivers access to the fastest and simplest charging available. Drivers can just tap their contactless credit or debit card, charge up and return to the road in minutes.
Certas Energy Retail Operations Manager Colin Levy said that the company has chosen InstaVolt because of its expertise, the flexibility of the deal and the company’s proven ability to evolve with rapidly advancing technology.
“By working with InstaVolt, Certas will benefit from our future-proofed rapid DC charging solution” said CEO of InstaVolt Tim Payne. “Our charging stations can be updated as battery technology evolves, delivering faster rates of charge as new technology demands it, ensuring Certas retains best in class hardware. This, coupled with the fact we install and maintain them for free and provide a regular rental income in return for use of the space, makes InstaVolt the logical first choice.”
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