

Electriq~Global launches water-based fuel to power electric vehicles

Electriq~Global, an Australian-Israeli startup, has found a way to use water in order to power electric vehicles (EVs) via new technology that the company will present at EcoMotion 2018 ‘Smart Mobility Summit’. Electriq~Global claims the new technology offers twice the range, at half the price with zero emissions compared to existing fuels. The fuel itself consists of 60 percent water, from which Electriq's technology extracts hydrogen. This is then harnessed to create electricity to power the vehicle.
Electriq~Global launches water-based fuel to power electric vehicles
Image: BMW i8

The Electriq~Global system contains three key elements: the liquid fuel (Electriq~Fuel) which reacts with a catalyst (Electriq~Switch) to release hydrogen on demand, then the spent fuel is captured and taken back to a plant where it is replenished with hydrogen and water for re-use (Electriq~Recycling). The company claims that the entire process is inherently safe at ambient temperatures and pressures. The energy density is up to 15 times that of electric batteries currently in use in EVs. When compared to green energy competitors like lithium-ion batteries or compressed Hydrogen technologies, the company also claims that the new fuel can achieve twice the range at half the cost.

A comparison of electric buses showed the buses powered by batteries provided a range of 250 kilometres and required up to 300 minutes to recharge, whereas buses to be powered  by Electriq~Fuel will provide  a range of 1,000 kilometres and could be refuelled in 5 minutes.

“Our technology brings dramatic news of improvement in driving range, refuelling time, and cost of fuel and changes the rules of the game in many fields, including transportation and energy storage” said Electriq~Global CEO Guy N. Michrowski.

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