
NHS Trust announces new EV sharing scheme

Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has announced the introduction of six brand new electric vehicles across three of its trust premises.
NHS Trust announces new EV sharing scheme

The new EVs will be allocated to Berrywood Hospital in Duston, Northampton, Campbell House in Northampton and St. Mary’s Hospital in Kettering. Each of the locations now has two permanently-based EVs, one of which will be used exclusively by the trust during business hours, becoming available for public use at evenings and weekends, and the other to be used for private use at all times.

The vehicles will allow the trust to conduct business travel in a way that doesn’t negatively impact local air quality while also reducing the need for pool cars or staff use of their own vehicles. They will also help to take cars off the road, thereby helping to ease congestion and parking pressure throughout the county.

“I am absolutely delighted that we at Northamptonshire Healthcare have taken this significant step forward and are the first NHS trust in the county to provide such a service for our staff and the public” said trust chairman Paul Bertin. “As a trust we have made a commitment to reduce our carbon footprint by 28 percent by 2020 and by encouraging our staff to park up their own vehicle and use an electric vehicle for business travel will help us move towards achieving this target.  Looking after the environment is everyone’s responsibility.  Providing such a countywide service for our staff and the Northamptonshire public will further raise the profile of sustainability and how we can all do more for our environment.”

The fleet has been provided to the trust by E-Car Club Ltd, a UK-wide operator of similar schemes who champion green, affordable travel for businesses, local authorities and the local communities in which their vehicles are situated. Unlike traditional car-hire firms, E-Car provide a totally flexible, online booking system which allows rental from as little as one hour (up to several days) on a self-service basis, encouraging its members to utilise the fleet much in the same way as they would use their own vehicle, thus questioning the need to own their own vehicle at all; given the hassle, burden and cost that comes with private ownership.

For additional information:

Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

E-Car Club Ltd

cursos diseño grafico
Someday we will run out of fuel so its a great idea they are allready developing this electric vehicles.
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