
Wright releases white paper on potential C-130 ‘Hercules’ electrification

Wright has released a white paper evaluating the C-130 four-engine turboprop transport aircraft as a testbed for megawatt-class aircraft electrification, as the C-130 would be an ideal aircraft to study sequential electrification, for commercial cargo and US Department of Defense (DoD) applications.
Wright releases white paper on potential C-130 ‘Hercules’ electrification
Courtesy of Wright Electric.

Electrification in commercial and DoD aircraft is gaining momentum because of cost, tactical, and environmental benefits.

Numerous technology programmes in development support the effort to electrify the C-130, including powerful electric propulsion units, lightweight batteries, and efficient power distribution systems.

A NASA study that won best paper at a prestigious aerospace research conference in 2024 examined a hybrid-electric C-130 for commercial cargo applications. It found that potential block fuel savings could be as high as 27-44 percent. In real-life terms, this could mean an increase in airline profit margins of up to 6x.

Wright's second generation megawatt-class motor, WM2500, built with support from DOE ARPA-E and NASA, is nearly complete. The stator is wound, the rotor is complete, and all mechanical components are finished. Final assembly will begin later this year.

WM2500 is a 2.5 MW electric propulsion unit targeted to achieve industry leading power and power density. It is designed for ducted fan and propeller-based applications.

For additional information:

Wright Electric

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