
Wrightbus launches rapid-charge double deck

Wrightbus has unveiled a rapid-charge electric double-deck bus called the StreetDeck Electroliner.
Wrightbus launches rapid-charge double deck
Courtesy of Wrightbus.

The vehicle is the first EV from Wrightbus and utilises a French battery pack delivering 454kw and a 200-mile range. It will recharge in two hours 45minutes with batteries efficiently stored around the bus to ensure passenger capacity comfort is not compromised.

“We have gained a strong reputation for our hydrogen double deck but we want to lead the world in zero-emissions full stop” said Wrightbus CEO Buta Atwal, who last week unveiled a fleet of 20 hydrogen buses alongside London Mayor Sadiq Khan. “We haven’t weighed the bus down with a high battery volume just so we can say it’s got the most power or range; instead, we want to be the most efficient vehicle on the road so we’ve combined optimum power with a class-leading rapid charge meaning our electric bus spends more time on the road than any other.”

The Wrightbus hydrogen-fueled bus is already in operation in Aberdeen, London, Belfast and Dublin, and there is growing interest for all its zero emissions offerings from around the globe.

The Ballymena-based company is in discussions with operators from the USA, Australia, South America and the Far East as authorities race to hit net zero targets.

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