There Corporation was established in May 2009 by the Nokia Smart Home team to merge their know-how of mobile and platform technology with the smart metering experience of the Comsel team from the Vaasa energy cluster. Kaj Rönnlund, CEO of There Corporation, sees the combination of the mobile and platform technology know-how of the Nokia Smart Home team and Comsel’s experience of energy grid and metering as a unique and strong basis to start developing new generation energy solutions. “We are gate openers for our customers enhancing the value of their client offerings.”
There Corporation will focus on energy saving and efficiency through energy saving solutions based on the ThereGate – which was formerly known as the Nokia Home Control Center or HCC. This platform combines Smart Metering, Smart Home and Smart Grid solutions and allows its partners to offer sustainable future proof solutions and services to their clients.
The company is now focusing on next generation smart metering solutions to improve energy efficiency, which will also provide better service and control for end users. Many other ThereGate compatible appliances and applications will be provided by other companies. The first solution projects in this field have already been started and some of the end user solutions and services are expected to hit piloting phase in early 2010.
The main partners of There Corporation in the first stage are energy utilities, energy meter manufacturers, and service providers in the energy and real estate segments.
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