energy saving

Octopus Energy Home Mini energy efficiency gadget proving increasingly popular

Octopus Energy’s Home Mini gadget is very popular in the UK, providing customers with a convenient way of staying on top of their energy usage where in-home displays (IHDs) lack a reliable connection.
Octopus Energy Home Mini energy efficiency gadget proving increasingly popular
Home Mini. Courtesy of Octopus Energy.

More than 100,000 of the bright pink, palm-sized devices – all made in Britain using recycled plastic – have been installed in just 18 months. Unlike conventional IHDs, the Octopus Home Mini connects with a smartphone, helping customers better manage their bills at the tap of a button in the Octopus app.

Securely connecting to a customer’s smart meter and taking data every 10 seconds, the Home Mini lets users view how much electricity their home imports and exports in real-time. For Octopus smart tariff users, that translates into seeing real-time cost-of-use data.

Customers have apparently already saved over £100 million through smart tariffs and initiatives like ‘Saving Sessions’, which reward customers for moving their consumption out of peak demand.

The aim of the Home Mini is to make energy consumption even easier for customers, and the company is about to introduce more features to the device.

Octopus Energy is now accelerating the rollout of Home Minis across the UK, ramping up production by two thirds to make 20,000 units a month from July. The company is also making it easier for customers who want a Home Mini by offering them whenever a new smart meter is installed.

“The Home Mini is a game-changing first – home-grown British tech designed and developed in-house by a world-class hardware team that gives customers more control over their energy usage” said Derya Robinson, Lead Engineer at Octopus Energy. “Demand for it is off the charts – tens of thousands are already embracing its user-friendly design. We’re now turbocharging the rollout so everyone who wants one can get one, hassle-free.”

For additional information:

Octopus Energy

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