energy saving

Pioneers wanted for Energy Efficiency Award 2010

The German Energy Agency (Deutsche Energie Agentur GmbH) in collaboration with Deutsche Messe and DZ Bank AG are calling for applicants for the next round of the "Energy Efficiency Award" for companies in industry and trade that have achieved exemplary improvements in energy efficiency.

The Energy Efficiency Award 2010 recognises outstanding projects for increasing energy efficiency in industry and production. Within the framework of the Initiative EnergieEffizienz, supported by the German Energy Agency (dena) and the energy companies EnBW AG, E.ON AG, RWE AG and Vattenfall Europe AG and sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, dena has been honouring achievements in energy efficiency through the “Energy Efficiency Award” since 2007.

"Companies that have optimised the energy use in their production will in particular reap the benefits when the economy improves and the energy prices increase. We want to honour these pioneers in energy-efficient management with this prize,“ says Stephan Kohler, Chief Executive of dena.

The aim behind awarding model projects is to motivate other companies to increase their energy efficiency. Companies in industry and in manufacturing trades can apply for the prize with the projects they have implemented and a jury of high-ranking experts from the fields of economics, science and politics will select the winners from the submitted entries.

All companies in industry and in manufacturing trades that have successfully implemented energy efficiency projects within the company are eligible to participate, while joint applications by end users and the machine manufacturers, planners or consultants that were involved are also permitted. "Small and medium-sized businesses are the motor of the German economy and as such also plays a significant role in increasing energy efficiency. Therefore small and medium-sized companies are particularly invited to apply," emphasises Hans-Theo Macke, member of the Board of Managing Directors of DZ Bank.

The jury evaluates the submitted projects based on the following criteria: Energy savings, economic efficiency, degree of innovation, applicability to other companies, and environmental factors, especially relevance for climate protection.

The winners of the Energy Efficiency Award 2010 will be announced on 20 April during the World Energy Dialogue at the Hannover Messe. A total of €30,000 in prize money will be given out as follows: €15,000 for first place, €10,000 for second place and €5,000 for third place.

Energy efficiency projects can be submitted until 7 February 2010 and application documents are available here:

Initiative EnergieEffizienz

Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
El jurado de la feria ees (la gran feria europea de las baterías y los sistemas acumuladores de energía) ya ha seleccionado los productos y soluciones innovadoras que aspiran, como finalistas, al gran premio ees 2021. Independientemente de cuál o cuáles sean las candidaturas ganadoras, la sola inclusión en este exquisito grupo VIP constituye todo un éxito para las empresas. A continuación, los diez finalistas 2021 de los ees Award (ees es una de las cuatro ferias que integran el gran evento anual europeo del sector de la energía, The smarter E).