Having achieved “Awardable” status, GreenFire Energy can now explore developing a utility-scale geothermal power plant here at home and abroad to supply U.S. military bases with reliable and cost-effective electricity, even during a grid outage.
GreenFire Energy was selected through the CDAO’s innovative solicitation process known as the Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace, which is designed to accelerate the procurement and adoption of mission critical technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and resilient energy technologies.
“The U.S. Air Force leveraged the Tradewinds solicitation process to quickly collaborate with innovative American companies to build resilient, next-generation geothermal technologies at our bases, using private capital instead of taxpayer dollars,” said Mr. Kirk Phillips, Director, Air Force Office of Energy Assurance.
“With the Department of Defense doubling down on geothermal by pre-approving key vendors for utility-scale projects across every military branch, GreenFire Energy is uniquely positioned to lead the charge in proving that geothermal is a critical addition to a powerful energy portfolio and U.S. energy dominance. We deliver premium power by matching the right technology to fit the geology. We can ensure that our military has access to reliable, co-located, scalable baseload power—even when grid reliability is in question,” said Rob Klenner, President, GreenFire Energy.
GreenFire Energy was recognized among a competitive field of applicants to the Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace whose solutions demonstrated innovation, scalability, and potential impact on DoD missions. Government customers interested in viewing the video solution can create a Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace account at tradewindAI.com.